Saturday, February 6, 2016


Money can’t buy time, but time can buy money

To a natural man with money almost all things are possible. But for a spiritual man, with God all things are possible. Money makes possible the best your can get in this world but not everything. There are happenings or things here on earth which silence money no matter how much it is; such is time and breath. Money is not all, but is good in all.  

Once read of David known to be prudent and fabulous in generous acts. While David was just nine, he already had a song he composed; he will sing with children in the neighborhood and took care of his horse. David grow up to be a man of faith, strength, courage and passion, he will not settle for less whatever he decided to do and in no time he became wealthy.

When he was twenty seven, David got married to his wife Anita -- a close friend when in the college. After their marriage Anita could not conceive, they went for medical consultations and kept praying, and nothing seems happening in the two years marriage. David would not give up; he believed things will work well at the right time.

One evening David and Anita decided to adopt a son whom they latter named Emmanuel. Seven years after Emmanuel came into the home, David was diagnosed for heart related issues and he often suffer pains that kept him on the hospital bed most of the time… “Night is coming!” He said, “I may not live too long as I proposed.”

Anita was latter confirmed pregnant ten years after her marriage. David could hardly believe this, he said, “I think God is compensating my times of pain.” In the eight month of Ani’s pregnancy David was rushed in to the teaching hospital confirming that he had slump while coming out of the home library.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he looks at his wife’s belly; he will not be able to make it out of the hospital, it was time to depart. With stress, David managed to laugh as he said to Ani; “get for my child cloths and shoes, and get him good education. But if you will not do all of that for him, do this for me; get him to understand time. I have what it takes if I could keep time with money to spend years with the baby, but since money can not buy time, teach him to keep good records of the times that comes his way.”

Money can’t buy time, but time can buy money. Many business persons have missed some contracts today because they could not meet up with time. Others are then given this same job because they were available at the time needed and paid the money which should have been in someone else account. So time can buy money. If you are the type who meets up with time, you will be surprised at how money will come in for you when you are less expecting it. You stand the chance of getting what should have been an income for others right there in your account.

Assuming there is a very rich man who will love to buy a building for any amount, but is told to show up at a particular time. Suppose also that the owner of the building is only interested in someone buying the building and not in how much it will be sold. If the rich man falls to show up at that time and an average man shows up at that particular time with amount which definitely would be less to that of the rich man, do you think the building will not be sold? Is it not that time, for the other man bought his money?

Time level us all, see it that way and face the reality, there is no partiality; no cheat in nature, you are on your track; the right track for you, run!

Whatever a man will eventually become someday, it would have been an accumulation of all he had been every other day.

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