Friday, March 4, 2016

                                    STOP STIRRING!

We are often faced with thinking some things aren't possible. The more we think them, the more impossible they appear in our minds and imaginations. We even sometimes talk of how impossible some things are and suffer the anxiety of our thoughts and words.

Someone maybe suffering from the fear of a situation, like going to retake a paper or going for an interview. You can possibly get destabilized--having headache, running stomach, being aggressive just because of the anxiety of what we're about doing but that we aren't sure of the success.

After a try, most times, we come to see that some things are easier than we thought and we are like "if only I knew..." "Wouldn't have wasted my money" "wouldn't have scrapped going to church" and all sought
Not all closed doors are locked. If you keep stirring at the door closed and you never attempt to pull or use the handle, you may cry all your life. Die of fear and even loose opportunities because you won't leave that same place, meanwhile you only need to try opening.

 To every good thing you doubt, make some move too. The energy and time expended on thinking impossibility is same or less well channel for success. God placed ideas in you but negative thoughts will never make them "explode " If God gives you an idea, don't spend all your time thinking how possible it could be, make a positive, calculative move. Seek guidance, study, pray substitute fear for faith, but most importantly, a move--action!

'Ayodele Oyejide


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